THEME: Challenging Your Challenges

Text : Num 27 :1 -8

Introduction:- A challenge is an objection to something as not being true. It is a difficult and possibly unpleasant A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.

Most people go through one challenge or the other but the way you handle your challenge really matters and it is very important that you shouldnt allow your challenge to weigh you down. Be ready to face and challenge your challenges because one who conquers the sea today is ready to conquer the ocean tomorrow. As the world is full of suffering, likewise,the world is full of overcoming, it depends on the individual. Before talking about how to challenge the challenge of your life, you must understand who you are. The bible in the book of Ist Peter 2: 9 says ” You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, therefore with all these attributes, you should be able to maximize the potential of God in your life.

To challenge the challenges of your life, you must note the following:

1. You must have a dream. A dream is just like a goal. It is a target, vision, mission, predetermined set which you need to achieve within a specific time. You must have the understandiing that your goal must be biblical and in-line with the will of God inother for you to achieve it —— Gen 11 : 1-9. There is more to your life than what you are going through now. You must pursue your dream and step out to do it.

2. Get out of your comfort zone. In other word, take a risk. The book of Luke 5 : 4-7 talked about Jesus and Peter at the lake of Gennesaret where Peter was fishing. (read) . Stop giving excuses about your state of life, take a bold step, dont be wallowing in distress and poverty, challenge that situation of yours and say to it that you are more than that, there is more about you than that situation.If Peter did not obey Jesus by taking that risk, he could have gone home without nothing, you too must take a bold step by taking that risk.
3. Know the God you serve. Matthew 16: 16. Believe in the omnipotence God. To challenge your challenges, you must believe and have faith in God that He alone can do whatever thing you want for you and that He is the only one that can take you out of any problems you are facing. You must believe that when you call him, He will hear and answer you. In such manner, you will be able to face any challenge and you will be able to overcome.
4. To challenge your challenges, the company you keep matters. Prov 13:20 pls read. Be careful with these 2 people :– Dreamless people, we call them NFA I.e people with no future at all. The moment you walk with these people and you are able to identify them, pls quickly walk away from them inother for them not to waste your time and life.

Get out of the company who hate you for no reason or who talk about you behind your back. They can make you to sin. Move away from them as they might not allow you to move forward because you will just be thinking about them and the mess they are doing thereby slowing you down . Also, dont listen to dream killers, you have God who knows everything about you, He is your creator, talk to Him and make Him your companion as people can fail you but God cannot. People can make jest of you and your challenges but God cannot, so be careful of people you share your dream or challenge with, check the type of people you move with.

In conclusion, these daughters of Zelophehad identified their challenge, they didnt want anybody to rob them off their inheritance, they knew who to run to for help. They didnt sit at a spot crying because they knew that is not the solution to their problems. They faced their challenge and they got solution, you also should rise up today and face your challenge as victory is awaiting you.


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