THEME: IT IS NEVER TOO LATE ( To achieve your dream)

TEXT : Gen 37 :1 -5

What Is dream : A dream is a cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal. It is an idea or vision that is created. Note that your dream is achievable in as much as you dont allow the devil to take it away, meaning that you must guide your dream very well as it is your dream that will make you today.

Also, it is your fault if you dont fulfil or achieve your dream, reason been because of fear of rejection.This usually comes from caring too much about what other people think. Definitely, there will always be people that will doubt you, be negatively try to hold you back, or some people will hate you, all because of your dream ( Gen 37:5), never allow this if you want your dream to be achievable.


1. Your dream is bigger than you ( see Joseph)

2.Yourdreamwillbringpersecution,trouble,rejectionandhatred ( just take a deliberate step to liberate yourself)

3. Your dream needs your determination, commitment and believe

( pls be prayerful, dont be tired as someday, your dream will shine)

Caleb and Joshua believed, and both were able to get to the promised land.

Also, how are you looking at and holding your dream, is it with levity? Know that Jesus cares about you and knows your affliction and whatever thing you are passing through, He will definitely not leave you in as much as you yourself hold unto Him.

4. Your dream needs God — Dont go out of faith , believe and have faith in Him because he will make everything possible.

5. Your dream requires time to materialise – Habb 2:3

Note that God has destined a day and a time for your dream to come to pass, just let Him meet you in faith. Dont jump, dont try to help God as He doesn’t need your help, He will do everything at His own time.


1. YOURSELF—The way you see things matters either with your spiritual eye just like David with Goliath, or with a mind of Christ – Phil 2 :5-9

2. Your Patience ( Ifarada/ Ireti) – Heb 6:12, James 1:4 , Ps 40:1 3. Word of God — Matt 24:24; Mark 14:36, Mark 9:23

4. People Dont have bad attitude to people as miracle can elude you if you have bad attiude towards people

Your goodness is in the hand of men as God uses people for people. He raise people up through men.

Dont criticize anybody because in so doing, you will not receive anything from him or her


1. You need wisdom

2. Moralethics

3. Integrity.Maintainyourintegrity,it his this that will bring favour to you.

4. Diligence

5. Have focus. Devil will bring diversion, fake things, you just focus on your dream as you will get there one day Dont forget the dream God has given you. That thing that is giving you problem, it is because the devil knows there is something good in it

6. Faith

CONCLUSION: It is never too late for that your vision / dream to materialise. No matter what you are passing or going through, stand firm in Christ and know that one day, you will achieve that dream/ vision

Note this and follow it : Problems produce patience —persistence —-character—-hope—-power and it is this power that will propel you to achieve your dreams.


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